As the title suggests the inspiration for these pieces was water.....
Brooches :
The shape of the brooches are intended in size and scale to be like microscope slides. The images are detailed and jewel like. Each brooch represents a slice / a view of life forms that are supported by water in some way. Diatoms, plants and water itself are illustrated graphically using painted enamel and the photoetched champleve enamel method.
Panels :
The small panels are more specific in that they highlight the diatom shapes. I began to think of them as water jewels. Diatoms are incredibly fascinating. They are only visible through a microscope and are so tiny, but their structures and details are awesome. The techniques in the panels are more free form and painterly. Scrafitto, stenciling and sifting techniques are fused with painted enamel and the application of leaf and foils.