I graduated from Middlesex University (formerly Polytechnic) in 1987 with a BA Hons in Jewellery Design. As a student I was awarded the RSA Bursary Award in 1985 and the Platinum Award in 1987.
Today I am an active member of the British Society of Enamellers, and also involved with my local group Merseyside Jewellers and Metal Artists Network.
I regularly exhibit my work both in national and international exhibitions. As a self-employed designer enameller, I am skilled in all aspects of champleve, cloisonné and painted enamel. In conjunction to producing my own designs, I undertake trade work, commissions, and I am an experienced teacher at Further & Higher Education levels.
- Click here for current news
- Please view here for events of 2008
- I currently enamel items of manufacture for several firms, providing an outworker service. Please click here for details of trade work.
Next projects :
> The Walker Gallery: In 2004 I worked with the Walker on an educational project and I am currently working on an assignment for them, designing and making a display of contemporary enamels for the Craft & Design gallery showcase. The title of my exhibition showcase is to be called GLASS METAL, FIRE reflecting the vital elements of enamelling practice. My work will be on show from 22 October 2009 - till late 2010.
> Large Scale Work: In September 2009 I will be training at A.J. Wells, a large scale enamelling factory, with the aim of producing large enamel panels as public and private artworks / installations.
- 31 October - one day workshop - leaf & foils - Edinburgh Guild of Enamellers
- May - 3 x Oneday workshops - Btec Jewellery Design Students - Manchester College.
- 11 May - Making small enamel panels - BSOE event at the Shreswbury Guild Studio
- 17 / 20 April - Precious Leaf & Foil workshop - Guild of Enamellers Conference York
- 6th March - one day workshop - Year 10 students - Merchant Taylors High School, Merseyside
- 14th March - one day workshop - Region 3 Enamellers Guild Meeting held at Merchant Taylors High School, Merseyside.
- May - Invited tutor BSOE workshop @ Shrewsbury Guild Studio - Working with leaf & foil
- July - Invited tutor Guild Workshops @ Merchant Taylors High School Liverpool - Painted Enamel Techniques
- September - Guild of Enamellers Workshop - Shrewsbury Guild Studio - Cloisonne techniques
- January - Invited Tutor - one day enamelling workshop St. Helen's College, Merseyside
- April - Invited tutor to The Guild of Enamellers Conference in Exeter.
- August - Invited tutor with Pat Johnson to Summer School week at West Dean College.
1995–2005 Southport College Part time Lecturer – Art & Design
- I taught part time on the Modular Access Program and Access To Training courses in the Department of Humanities / SLDD provision, where I taught a range of levels within the Open College of the North West Frame Work, from Start Up level through to Stage A / GCSE equivalent.
- Additionally within the Art Department, I taught outreach day courses in art/craft skills and basic Jewellery making skills as an evening course. I also worked as a cover tutor, on an “ad hoc” basis.
Visiting Lecturer – Jewellery Design / Enamelling
- Since 1988 I have taught short 6 / 10 / 30 week courses in Jewellery, covering a range of subjects including ; Contemporary Jewellery Design, Enamelling, General workshop / basic jewellery making skills, and Digital Design using Adobe PhotoShop on the BA Hon’s 3D Design Degree Course.
- 2004 I was commissioned to write a “how to” book on enamelling for A&C Black, now finalized and published as of SEPTEMBER 2006
- 2002 I wrote a "how to" article for an online enamel magazine hosted by Allan Heywood Australia.
- 2002 My work was featured in " Enamelling on Precious Metals" by Jeanne Werge Hartley. Published by The Crowood Press
- 2001 The Walker Art Gallery Liverpool. I worked with the gallery, demonstrating enamel techniques and producing samples for exhibition display. Images are now on permanent video display in “Craft & Design”
- 2009 BSOE Bursary - Awarded for the study of Large Scale Enamels for public / private art installation.
- 1987 The Platinum Award
I won the section for innovative design and was also commended for commercial potential and standard of craftsmanship.
- 1985 The Royal Society Of Arts Bursary Award
I won a bursary award for travel. I used my bursary to visit Enamellers and Jewellers in Vienna. I was also awarded a prize of De Beers Diamonds.
- 1986 - College Placement with Alan Mudd & Keith Seldon Enamels Partnership. London.
- 1986 - College placement - worked with the props department of the BBC - made a piece of jewellery for the show and advised actors on the Eastenders Series. Ellstree Studios, London.
- 2008/9 City & Guilds Web Page Design - Level 2 - Southport College - Pass
- 1999 - 2000 GCSE Computer Graphic Design – Grade A - Southport College
- 1996/7 - 740 City & Guilds Certificate in Continuing Professional Development - City of Liverpool Community College Bankfield Center, Liverpool.
- 1994/5 - 730 City & Guilds Further And Adult Education Teacher’s Certificate - Southport College
- 1983 – 1987 Middlesex University London -BA Hon’s Jewellery Design – Grade 2:1
- 1981 – 1983 DATEC Diploma General Art & Design - Southport College
Grade: All elements passed with merit. Gained distinction in final projects.

2008 / 09 currently studying - Safe Etch Printmaking Techniques @ The Bluecoat, Liverpool
2007 - 10 week life drawing class - Organised by Liverpool John Moores University. Held at the Tate Gallery Liverpool.
2005 – Separate One day workshops with tutors Vladimir Bohm & Hali Baykov
2005 – Three day Enamel Workshop at the London Metropolitan University – Tutor Dale Devereaux Barker
2004 – One day Enamel Symposium held at the London Metropolitan University – Speakers, Jane short / Elizabeth Turrel / Amal Gosh and Robert Ebendorf
2003 – Association of Contemporary Jewellers Conference Manchester. Series of speakers over week event
2002 – Five day Enamel Workshop at the UWE Bristol – tutors Sarah Perkins & Elizabeth Turrel
2000 – International Workshops and Symposium at The University of The west of England UWE Bristol - Series of speakers plus workshop with Tutors Elizabeth Turrell & Gretchen Goss
1998 – The British Society of Enameller’s Workshops and Conference held at West Dean. Series of speakers over weekend including Pat Johnson, Elizabeth Turrel, Phill Barnes & Alex Raphael.